6.828: Operating System Engineering (86)

gdb で確認できない (割り込みで停まらない) ので困っていたのですが、Homework: xv6 and Interrupts and Exceptions の以下の記述に沿ってリトライしてみます。

In xv6, set a breakpoint at the first instruction of syscall() to catch the very first system call (e.g., br syscall). What values are on the stack at this point?
Submit: The output of x/37x $esp at that breakpoint with each value labeled as to what it is (e.g., saved %ebp for trap, trapframe.eip, scratch space, etc.). If your stack dump doesn't reach a page boundary, you'll have to print more than 37 words.

syscall.c の syscall() 手続きか。

(gdb) list syscall
122     [SYS_uptime]  sys_uptime,
123     };
125     void
126     syscall(void)
127     {
128       int num;
130       num = proc->tf->eax;
131       if(num >= 0 && num < NELEM(syscalls) && syscalls[num])
(gdb) b 130
Breakpoint 1 at 0x103f77: file syscall.c, line 130.
(gdb) c



syscall() 手続きは trap() 手続きから呼び出されてるので trap() で停まらん、ということが分かってる時点でアレ。

tvinit() 手続き呼び出し直後で

p idt[32], then set a breakpoint at vector32

すりゃ良いのかな。その後に vector32 じゃなくて syscall() で云々なのかどうか。


(gdb) list mainc
39      // Set up hardware and software.
40      // Runs only on the boostrap processor.
41      void
42      mainc(void)
43      {
44        cprintf("\ncpu%d: starting xv6\n\n", cpu->id);
45        picinit();       // interrupt controller
46        ioapicinit();    // another interrupt controller
47        consoleinit();   // I/O devices & their interrupts
(gdb) list
48        uartinit();      // serial port
49        kvmalloc();      // initialize the kernel page table
50        pinit();         // process table
51        tvinit();        // trap vectors
52        binit();         // buffer cache
53        fileinit();      // file table
54        iinit();         // inode cache
55        ideinit();       // disk
56        if(!ismp)
57          timerinit();   // uniprocessor timer
(gdb) b 51
Breakpoint 1 at 0x102790: file main.c, line 51.
(gdb) c
