oneric な amd64 で vagrant


$ vagrant
Vagrant could not detect VirtualBox! Make sure VirtualBox is properly installed.
If VirtualBox is installed, it may be an incorrect version. Vagrant currently
requires VirtualBox 4.1.x. Please install the proper version to continue.

If you have an older or newer version of VirtualBox, please make sure you're
using the proper version of Vagrant. Ask the mailing list if you have questions.

ちなみに virtualbox は導入されております。

$ dpkg --get-selections|grep virtualbox
virtualbox-4.1                                  install
virtualbox-guest-dkms                           install
virtualbox-guest-utils                          install
virtualbox-guest-x11                            install

あるいは vagrant は rvm 使って gem で導入。

$ gem list |grep vagrant
vagrant (0.8.10)

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