


# If we have a machine-specific directory, then include it in the build.
core-y				+= arch/arm/kernel/ arch/arm/mm/ arch/arm/common/
core-y				+= $(machdirs) $(platdirs)
core-$(CONFIG_FPE_NWFPE)	+= arch/arm/nwfpe/
core-$(CONFIG_VFP)		+= arch/arm/vfp/

drivers-$(CONFIG_OPROFILE)      += arch/arm/oprofile/

libs-y				:= arch/arm/lib/ $(libs-y)

なんだっけ、と言いつつ Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.txt と確認したら以下な記述を発見。6.3 List directories to visit when descending な項。

	An arch Makefile cooperates with the top Makefile to define variables
	which specify how to build the vmlinux file.  Note that there is no
	corresponding arch-specific section for modules; the module-building
	machinery is all architecture-independent.

    head-y, init-y, core-y, libs-y, drivers-y, net-y

	$(head-y) lists objects to be linked first in vmlinux.
	$(libs-y) lists directories where a lib.a archive can be located.
	The rest list directories where a built-in.o object file can be

	$(init-y) objects will be located after $(head-y).
	Then the rest follows in this order:
	$(core-y), $(libs-y), $(drivers-y) and $(net-y).

これ、知りませんでした。ちなみに $(CONFIG_FPE_FASTFPE) とかセットされてなかったらどうなるんでしょ。


色々疑問だらけなんですが、こつこつ掘削していくしかない模様。とりあえず上記関連ってことで Makefile に以下な記述を発見してます。

# Build vmlinux
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# vmlinux is built from the objects selected by $(vmlinux-init) and
# $(vmlinux-main). Most are built-in.o files from top-level directories
# in the kernel tree, others are specified in arch/$(ARCH)/Makefile.
# Ordering when linking is important, and $(vmlinux-init) must be first.
# vmlinux
#   ^
#   |
#   +-< $(vmlinux-init)
#   |   +--< init/version.o + more
#   |
#   +--< $(vmlinux-main)
#   |    +--< driver/built-in.o mm/built-in.o + more
#   |
#   +-< kallsyms.o (see description in CONFIG_KALLSYMS section)
# vmlinux version (uname -v) cannot be updated during normal
# descending-into-subdirs phase since we do not yet know if we need to
# update vmlinux.
# Therefore this step is delayed until just before final link of vmlinux -
# except in the kallsyms case where it is done just before adding the
# symbols to the kernel.
# is generated to document addresses of all kernel symbols

vmlinux-init := $(head-y) $(init-y)
vmlinux-main := $(core-y) $(libs-y) $(drivers-y) $(net-y)
vmlinux-all  := $(vmlinux-init) $(vmlinux-main)

というかもう少しちゃんと Documentation/kbuild/makefiles.txt 確認入れないと駄目だ。ということで今から読みます。明日も午前中アレなので読みます (を