cool but obscure


Ubuntu なパケジになってるかどうかを確認してみます。

  • dstat
  • htop
  • slurm
  • ttyrec & ipbt
  • mtr
  • multitail
  • socat
  • tpp
    • これ、いいかも
  • iftop
  • siege
  • duplicity
  • nethack
  • taskwarrior
  • ack
  • ttytter & earthquake
  • newsbeuter & rsstail
    • 上記二つは ja_JP な locale で使える terminal じゃないとナニ
  • cowsay



$ apt-cache search dstat
libcommons-dbcp-java - Database Connection Pooling Services
sysstat - system performance tools for Linux
blootbot - a severely modified infobot for IRC
dstat - versatile resource statistics tool
hobbit-plugins - plugins for the Xymon network monitor
libcommons-dbcp-java-doc - Database Connection Pooling Services - documentation
qmk-groundstation - tool to setup and view telemetry of a Mikrokopter
xul-ext-downloadstatusbar - Iceweasel/Firefox addon that provides an improved download statusbar

を、dstat パケジありますね。別途導入してみて確認します。


$ apt-cache search htop
htop - interactive processes viewer



$ apt-cache search slurm
libpam-slurm - PAM module to authenticate using the SLURM resource manager
libpmi0 - SLURM PMI library implementation
libpmi0-dev - SLURM PMI library implementation development files
libslurm21 - Runtime library files for SLURM
libslurm21-dev - SLURM development files
slurm - Realtime network interface monitor
slurm-llnl - Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management
slurm-llnl-basic-plugins - SLURM basic plugins
slurm-llnl-basic-plugins-dev - SLURM basic plugins development files
slurm-llnl-doc - SLURM docmentation
slurm-llnl-slurmdbd - Secure enterprise-wide interface to a database for SLURM
slurm-llnl-sview - GUI to view and modify SLURM state

流石 ubuntu とゆーカンジですね。こちらも別途で。

ttyrec & ipbt

$ apt-cache search ttyrec
ttyrec - Terminal interaction recorder and player (for tty)

凄え、と思ったら ipbt は hit ナシ。これも面白そうなので別途入れます。


$ apt-cache search pmtr

これは hit せず。と思ったら mtr でした。

$ apt-cache search mtr
libhtml-template-perl - HTML::Template : A module for using HTML Templates with Perl
mtr-tiny - Full screen ncurses traceroute tool
texlive-publishers - TeX Live: Support for publishers, theses, standards, conferences, etc.
device3dfx-source - Linux 2.2+ device driver source for 3Dfx boards
hitchhiker - access locations using Bazaar transports
libzorpll3.3-0-memtrace - Low level library functions for Zorp, debug version
makefs - create a cd9660 or ffs file system image from a directory tree
mtr - Full screen ncurses and X11 traceroute tool
postfix-policyd - anti-spam plugin for Postfix
sugarplum - an automated and intelligent spam trap/cache-poisoner
xmpuzzles - collection of puzzles for X (Motif version)
kmtrace - memory leak tracer for KDE 4
kremotecontrol - infrared remote control
kdelirc - infrared remote control - transitional package

mtr ありますね。こちらも別途試験予定。


$ apt-cache search multitail
multitail - view multiple logfiles windowed on console
rsstail - console RSS reader that monitors a feed and outputs new entries

なんかほぼ全てばっちり hit しますね。


$ apt-cache search socat
socat - multipurpose relay for bidirectional data transfer


Directing stuff easily in and out of sockets.



$ apt-cache search tpp
psutils - A collection of PostScript document handling utilities
asis-programs - Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) example programs
catdoc - MS-Word to TeX or plain text converter
libccrtp-doc - Documentation files for  GNU ccRTPp library
libitpp-dev - C++ library of signal processing and communication routines: Headers
libitpp-doc - C++ library of signal processing and communication routines: Documentation
libitpp6-dbg - C++ library of signal processing and communication routines: Debug symbols
libitpp6gf - C++ library of signal processing and communication routines
rtpproxy - Relay for Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP) media streams
ser - high-performance SIP server
tcpwatch-httpproxy - TCP monitoring and logging tool with support for HTTP 1.1
tpp - text presentation program



$ apt-cache search iftop
iftop - displays bandwidth usage information on an network interface
iftop-dbg - displays bandwidth usage information on an network interface (debug)



$ apt-cache search siege
siege - HTTP regression testing and benchmarking utility

それにしても ubuntu 凄い。


$ apt-cache search duplicity
backupninja - lightweight, extensible meta-backup system
duplicity - encrypted bandwidth-efficient backup
duply - easy to use frontend to the duplicity backup system
deja-dup - Backup utility
deja-dup-dbg - Déjà Dup debugging symbols

当たりまえのように hit するのですが何のためのものかがアレ。


$ apt-cache search nethack
crossfire-client - Client for the multiplayer roguelike Crossfire
crossfire-client-sounds - sound files for playing crossfire
crossfire-common - Architecture independent common files for Crossfire server
crossfire-server - Server for Crossfire Games
egoboo - 3D dungeon crawling adventure in the spirit of NetHack
egoboo-data - Egoboo data files
glhack - Fullscreen SDL/OpenGL version of NetHack
hearse - exchange Nethack bones files with other players
nethack-common - dungeon crawl game - common files
nethack-console - dungeon crawl game - text-based interface
nethack-el - Emacs major-mode for playing NetHack
nethack-lisp - dungeon crawl game - Lisp interface
nethack-qt - dungeon crawl game - Qt interface
nethack-spoilers - Spoiler files for the Nethack adventure game
nethack-x11 - dungeon crawl game - X11 interface
pterm - PuTTY terminal emulator
slashem - A variant of Nethack
slashem-gtk - A variant of Nethack (Gtk window port)
slashem-sdl - A variant of Nethack (SDL window port)
slashem-x11 - A variant of Nethack (X11 window port)



$ apt-cache search taskwarrior



$ apt-cache search ack|grep ^ack
ack - Kanji code converter
ack-grep - grep-like program specifically for large source trees


A better grep for source code.


ttytter & earthquake

$ apt-cache search ttytter
$ apt-cache search earthquake


newsbeuter & rsstail

$ apt-cache search newsbeuter
newsbeuter - text mode rss feed reader with podcast support

うを、hit しよった。

$ apt-cache search rsstail
rsstail - console RSS reader that monitors a feed and outputs new entries



$ apt-cache search cowsay
cowsay - A configurable talking cow
xcowsay - Graphical configurable talking cow

これはありますよね。ちなみに sl は略。入れてまぢギレしそうになったことがあったので (何
そうこうしているうちにもこつこつ Ubuntu Server な install やり直しは進んでいます。