oneric な amd64 で vagrant (2)

ええと、oneric な amd64 で vagrant というエントリに id:okinaka さんからコメントを頂いてて、曰く、「vagrant は 0.9.3 です」とのこと。
むむ、と思い gem search してみたら以下。

$ gem search vagrant -r


bmabey-vagrant (0.2.0)
nixme-vagrant (0.7.2)
vagrant (0.9.3)
vagrant-aws (0.0.1)
vagrant-bindfs (0.1.7)
vagrant-bundler-tools (0.0.3)
vagrant-butter (0.0.1)
vagrant-kick (0.0.1)
vagrant-putty (0.0.2)
vagrant-rake (0.1.0)
vagrant-rake-fork (0.2.0)
vagrant-sandbox (0.1.0)
vagrant-snap (0.10)
vagrant-spatula (0.0.3)
vagrant-vbguest (0.0.3)
vagrant-yaybu (0.0.3)
vagrantboxes (0.0.2)

ちなみに -r 付けたら以下。

$ gem search vagrant

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

vagrant (0.8.10)


$ gem install vagrant -r
Fetching: log4r-1.1.10.gem (100%)
Fetching: net-ssh-2.2.2.gem (100%)
Fetching: vagrant-0.9.3.gem (100%)
Successfully installed log4r-1.1.10
Successfully installed net-ssh-2.2.2
Successfully installed vagrant-0.9.3
3 gems installed
Installing ri documentation for log4r-1.1.10...
Installing ri documentation for net-ssh-2.2.2...
Installing ri documentation for vagrant-0.9.3...
Installing RDoc documentation for log4r-1.1.10...
Installing RDoc documentation for net-ssh-2.2.2...
Installing RDoc documentation for vagrant-0.9.3...

う、毎回 --no-ri --no-rdoc するの忘れるなorz
これで vagrant してみるとどうなるか。

$ vagrant
Vagrant could not detect VirtualBox! Make sure VirtualBox is properly installed.
If VirtualBox is installed, it may be an incorrect version. Vagrant currently
requires VirtualBox 4.1.x. Please install the proper version to continue.

If you have an older or newer version of VirtualBox, please make sure you're
using the proper version of Vagrant. Ask the mailing list if you have questions.

む、virtualbox を remove して install してみてリトライ。何故かパケジの remove に時間がかかるなぁ。

$ vagrant
Vagrant could not detect VirtualBox! Make sure VirtualBox is properly installed.
If VirtualBox is installed, it may be an incorrect version. Vagrant currently
requires VirtualBox 4.1.x. Please install the proper version to continue.

If you have an older or newer version of VirtualBox, please make sure you're
using the proper version of Vagrant. Ask the mailing list if you have questions.


$ gem list |grep vagrant
vagrant (0.9.3, 0.8.10)


$ gem uninstall vagrant --version 0.8.10
You have requested to uninstall the gem:
sahara-0.0.8 depends on [vagrant (~> 0.8.2)]
veewee-0.2.2 depends on [vagrant (~> 0.8.2)]
If you remove this gems, one or more dependencies will not be met.
Continue with Uninstall? [Yn]  
Successfully uninstalled vagrant-0.8.10


$ vagrant
Could not find vagrant-0.8.10 in any of the sources

なんだこれは。って Gemfile か。

gem "vagrant",'~> 0.8'


$ vagrant
You have requested:
  vagrant ~> 0.9

The bundle currently has vagrant locked at 0.8.10.
Try running `bundle update vagrant`

仰せの通りに。よくよく考えてみりゃ Bundler 使え、って話ですねorz

$ bundle update vagrant
Fetching source index for
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "vagrant":
  In Gemfile:
    sahara (>= 0) ruby depends on
      vagrant (~> 0.8.2) ruby

    vagrant (0.9.3)


ぐげ。sahara も -r で search してみるか。

$ gem search sahara -r


sahara (0.0.8)

これは困りました。コメントアウトしてリトライしてみるか (を
# 多分駄目だろうな

$ bundle update vagrant
Fetching source index for
Bundler could not find compatible versions for gem "vagrant":
  In Gemfile:
    veewee (>= 0.2) ruby depends on
      vagrant (~> 0.8.2) ruby

    vagrant (0.9.3)


うーん、これは 0.8 じゃないと無理ゲーですね。Gemfile の最初の状態の一部が以下です。

# To get vagrant and virtualbox going
gem "vagrant",'~> 0.8'
gem "veewee",">= 0.2"
gem "sahara"




$ vagrant
Vagrant could not detect VirtualBox! Make sure VirtualBox is properly installed.
If VirtualBox is installed, it may be an incorrect version. Vagrant currently
requires VirtualBox 4.1.x. Please install the proper version to continue.

If you have an older or newer version of VirtualBox, please make sure you're
using the proper version of Vagrant. Ask the mailing list if you have questions.
